MileStones Press title

Success is Not Complicated

Publishing books, media and programs

helping people achieve success.

We help professionals who are helping people be successful.

Books and Printed Media

Providing editing, review and consulting services and referrals for professional who have written or need to write, and want to publish: books, manuals, guides, class materials, white papers, newsletters or any other publishable materials. MILESTONES   PRESS provides guidance and assistance in delivering professional, effective and marketable materials.

Alternate Media

It is not enough to just publish in traditional channels and methods. Professionals today need to expand into alternate means of distribution and publishing that includes internet distribution, video and audio content, interactive and professional services associated with the dissemination of materials and services.


Many professionals today with a message also have a program they are seeking to improve or expand to new markets. MILESTONES PRESS provides services and assistance in improving, focusing and marketing programs, training, seminars and speeches.


We also provide or help the professionals we work with find consulting on a project basis or coaching on a longer term to help focus personal and professional development and provide the resources to become more effective in what they do.

What We Do

We provide resources, feedback, accountability and set professional standards for the materials and products we publish. If we decide to work with a professional we will design a program and fee structure. Generally the costs of producing the publication are yours, we provide expert resources and make sure that your publication meets industry standards for publication and sale of products. We help design marketing plans and in some cases will actively market products. Our fees and your costs will depend upon the nature of the product and the amount of resources we invest in the development and marketing of the product.

We do reject materials that are submitted if:

1) They are not submitted following our guidelines.

2) We feel the materials are not appropriate for our mission or focus.

3) The author or submitter is unwilling or unable to work with us to ensure that the publication meets our standards for quality, usefulness or marketability.

For more information on how to contact us with possible materials please go to Submissions .