MileStones Press title

Success is Not Complicated

Publishing books, media and programs

helping people achieve success.

How to Submit Your Proposal


Do not send unsolicited or complete materials such as a manuscripts, tapes, videos or outlines. Unless the mailing or shipping provides for immediate return postage these materials will be disposed of without being opened. We will not be responsible for any infringement on your materials, ideas or claimed intellectual property.

Failure to follow this warning is deemed to be a waiver of any claims for any and all damages against MILESTONES   PRESS , its management, ownership, employees, agents, clients, affiliates, authors, submitters, family or people we like.

What We Do

When we receive a proposal we review the overview and proposal and we will get back to you if you provide appropriate and working contact information. Our contact may consist of a short, but hopefully professional, declination. If we want more information or to discuss your proposal we will try to contact you using the contact information you have provided.

We  provide resources, feedback, accountability and set professional standards for the materials and products we publish. If we decide to work with a professional we will design a program and fee structure. Generally the costs of producing the publication are yours, we provide expert resources and make sure that your publication meets industry standards for publication and sale of products. We help design marketing plans and in some cases will actively market products. Our fees and your costs will depend upon the nature of the product and the amount of resources we invest in the development and marketing of your product.

We will reject materials that are submitted if:

1) They are not submitted following our guidelines.

2) We feel the materials are not appropriate for our mission or focus.

3) The author or submitter is unwilling or unable to work with us to ensure that the publication meets our standards for quality, usefulness and marketability.

How To Submit

We have designed this process to be simple and easy for both sides. Please do not make it more complicated. Submission of an idea or proposal consists of two parts, an overview of your concept or business and a short summary of the proposed work or material to be published. These two parts must contain the required information and should not be longer than indicated.

Proposals may be submitted by email in PDF or similar format or by mail to the following address.

Emails should include the word "proposal" in the subject line and should have contact information in the body of the email.   

Proposals sent by mail should have a return address on the envelope and should have the text "proposal" clearly marked on the outside of the envelope. 

1) Business Overview. In 1500 words or less, provide a summary of your reason for creating the proposed publication, a summary of your expertise, desire or objectives for the publication. If your proposal is part of a larger business please provide a short summary of your activities and business plan. Reference to websites is appropriate. Also include a list of other publications or related materials including published articles. Please do not include copies of your marketing or other publications.

The Business Overview should be focused and as brief as possible. Please include the following information as part of this Overview: Your name, business name (if applicable), mailing address, email, telephone number and best method and time to contact you.

2)  Proposal Summary. In 1500 words or less, provide a summary of the proposed publication providing the following information:

Name and contact information.
Title of publication.
Type of publication - Book, video, text, program materials
Purpose of publication - who will it help and how.
Length of publication.
Target audience and potential market focus.
Stage of creation - concept, outline, partially created or complete manuscript.
Why you are excited to be publishing this material.

You may provide a short excerpt from your material provided it fits within the word length. We do make publication and contact decisions based on your ability to follow these guidelines and submit professional materials.

Submit To

MileStones Press – Submissions

 14909 W. 87th Parkway, #132

Lenexa, Kansas 66215





Post Submission

When we receive a proposal submitted in the appropriate format we generally try to get back to the submitter within ten business days. If we are interested in working with you we will contact you to discuss the services we offer and we will propose a formal relationship. When we work with a professional the relationship is formalized by a written agreement - there is no relationship, duty or obligations in the absence of a formal, written agreement. A written contract/agreement protects both sides and defines our expectations.

We try to be as clear as possible regarding our expectations and ability to help you. We also are very clear from the beginning of a working relationship that the success of a project depends on your willingness to work and your ability to accept help.